Scribbler cover letter
Cartoon Self-Portrait
The Empire Room video
Onur Uz photos
London International Concert Band Clinic flyer
The Empire Room photos
Oli Higginson photos
The Empire Room website
Royal Harbour Hotel & The Empire Room photos
Royal Harbour Hotel website
The New Waterloo Dispatch video
Carthade 'Young Hearts EP'
Carthade EP release photos
The Tooting Broads photos
The Tooting Broads logo
Brighton Yoga Festival flyer
Warwick Folk Festival: Journey
Press Dispensary logos
Ethiopian Gold Star
TWM - Joystick
Lizard Lounge at Gecko
Sam Shepherd
Scribbler cover letter
Cartoon Self-Portrait
The Empire Room video
Onur Uz photos
London International Concert Band Clinic flyer
The Empire Room photos
Oli Higginson photos
The Empire Room website
Royal Harbour Hotel & The Empire Room photos
Royal Harbour Hotel website
The New Waterloo Dispatch video
Carthade 'Young Hearts EP'
Carthade EP release photos
The Tooting Broads photos
The Tooting Broads logo
Brighton Yoga Festival flyer
Warwick Folk Festival: Journey
Press Dispensary logos
Ethiopian Gold Star
TWM - Joystick
Lizard Lounge at Gecko
Scribbler cover letter
In applying for design jobs, Sam has adapted some applications for the specific roles, including building a cover letter for greetings card company Scribbler in the form of a greetings card.
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